How to Automatically Start or Reattach to a tmux Session with SSH #
When working on remote servers, maintaining persistent workflows can save a lot
of time and effort. By combining SSH
with tmux
, you can ensure that a session
starts automatically upon connection—or reattaches to an existing one. This
code snipped demonstrates how to configure your .ssh/config
file to achieve
# .ssh/config
Host hack
User KawwptnBlaubaer
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_sk
RequestTTY yes
RemoteCommand tmux new -A -s hackon
Key points:
- RequestTTY:
Ensures a pseudo-terminal is allocated. This is required for interactive
applications like tmux.
- RemoteCommand:
This is the magic command that handles tmux sessions:
- `tmux new`: Starts a new session.
- `-A`: Attach to an existing session if one with the same name already exists.
- `-s hackon`: Specifies the session name as hackon. You can replace this with
a name of your choice.